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Wood and coal ash use

Stoves make ash - these are the leftover bits of the fuel. You can find that some of the more efficient stoves make hardly any ash - I only clean out my stove every month or so for example. Here's an important thing to think about actually: if you have a dedicated woodstove just meant for burning wood then the air from below the grate (if there is a grate at all) is not so important. Leaving a bed of ash behind in the stove when you clean it gives the wood a nice insulating base to burn better on. It's different for each type of stove of course - do just ask us for guidance.

Removal of ash

I have an ash bin - this is essentially a metal bucket with a lid. I put my hot ashes into this bucket and take them outside to let them cool overnight before composting them or throwing them away. Ash and hot embers should not be allowed to cool in the metal bucket inside the house as Carbon Monoxide could be produced.

Ash in your compost

Please remember that wood ashes are good for the ground. Mix layers of wood ash into your compost.
It is also a good idea to add some layers of scrunched up paper or cardboard to allow air in to the compost heap.

Coal ashes are not good for the soil and should be thrown away in your bin - once they have cooled.

Ash when camping

When camping you might want to use your ashes to clean the grease from your pots & pans. Some people use the ashes neat, rub on pots & pans & clean with water. Others soak pots & pans in water mixed with ashes.

You can also mix a thick paste out of ashes & water to clean the grease of the pots & pans.

This is especially useful if camping where there is no hot water available. You will of course have to be careful not to destroy the surface of your kitchen utensils with bits of wood etc

Ash on icy path ways

If your path way has turned icy & you are worried about slipping you can sprinkle ashes on the pathway to give yourself a safer footing.

Please use ashes from wood burning as better for the ground - ashes from coal burning belong in the rubbish bin, if you are concerned about the quality of your earth.

Ash on your paths

You can build up a garden path by sprinkling your ashes on the ground. As you walk them into the ground you will be building up the pathway.

Ash against slugs and snails

To discourage pests like slugs and snails build up little walls of ashes between your vegetables & around your plants.
Please use wood ashes only as coal ashes are bad for the quality of your earth.

Ashes used for Pewter brightening

Make a paste out of sifted ashes moistened with water, please apply with a soft cloth. Be careful not to scratch surface with any bigger bits from the ashes.