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Howard Towns English Wood Fuels Ltd

Manor Farm, Owston, Oakham, United Kingdom, LE15 8DH.
01664898098 howard.towns@forestfuels.co.uk

Please mention Stoves Online if you make contact with this supplier. Thankyou!

Visit the website (http://www.englishwoodfuels.co.uk)

English Wood Fuels Ltd was one of the first Woodsure Plus accredited woodchip suppliers in the UK. It is now also a ENplus certifed trader. English Wood Fuels is now part of the Forest Fuels group.

Pellet delivery

Pellet size (mm): 6

Pellet delivery volume: 10kg bags, Blown

Woodchip delivery

Woodchip size: G30, G50, G100, G120

Woodchip delivery volume: 2 Tonnes to 20 Tonnes