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Ian Robson Three Counties Chimney Sweep

21 Piak View, Malvern, Worcestershire, United Kingdom, WR14 1LU.
01684891005 ThreeCountiesChimneySweep@talktalk.net

Please mention Stoves Online if you make contact with this supplier. Thankyou!

Visit the website (http://www.threecountieschimneysweep.co.uk/)

My name is Ian, I am a Certified Chimney Sweep Trained and Registered with The Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps, The Professional UK Association of Chimney Sweeps. I operate within the strict Guild guidelines and work in a professional manner sweeping to a code of practice BS6461. to ensure chimney''s are in good repair and working order. I am dedicated to offering a top quality service to all of my clients. Services - Sweep & Vacuum of all Appliances/flue type - Smoke Test - Nest Removal - Bird Guards & Cowls Supplied & Fitted - Chimney Repairs-Stove Repairs & Refurbishment - Insurance Certificates Issued - Fully Insured - Advice.