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Mary Goddard Mereworth Woodyard (Tregothnan)

Tregothnan Estate Office, Buston Manor, Hunton, Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom, ME15 0QR.
01622820560 mgoddard@tregothnan.com

Please mention Stoves Online if you make contact with this supplier. Thankyou!

Visit the website (http://www.tregothnan.com)

Mereworth Woodland, privately owned by the Tregothnan Estate, is an ancient woodland in Kent that is FSC-certified and sustainably managed. Netted, hardwood, well-seasoned logs are produced in large volumes for local and regional wholesalers and retailers. There is also a choice of 2 net sizes of premium kindling and a high quality lumpwood charcoal available all year round. All products are grown and processed at Mereworth Woodyard - a reliable and trustworthy source of firewood.