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Opus models back in stock

Opus models back in stock

11 months ago

Opus stoves have been taking giant strides in popularity over the last year with demand far outstripping supply. It seemed like every time we had a delivery to our warehouse, most of them were already sold and any that weren’t then went in a matter of days. I’m relieved to say that thanks to a huge increase in output at the factory we’ve at last got it how we like it, with most models in stock and ready to go out when needed. 

We’re ahead of the game with both of the Trio options and all four Melodies, including the wonderful all-glass door models, are once again available on demand. The ever popular Arias too are now back on the shelves. I did say most models, however, because the huge increase in demand for the Harmonies did take us by surprise and it won’t be until January that we can finally fulfil all our back orders on those. Again it was the super-cool looking glass fronted models that stole the show and we just couldn’t keep up with demand on those. The Harmony PR, with its ability to face in different directions at the touch of a button, should also be back in stock in January.

And that just leaves the Opus Calypso. Nothing like high energy prices to rapidly increase the demand for boiler stoves, particularly when the requirements of Ecodesign have taken most of the competition off the market, and every Calypso we got in was snapped up before it even came off the truck. The Calypso is a very sophisticated stove and takes a lot longer to make than a dry model, but nonetheless we’re hoping to have fresh stocks in early next year. 

So sorry to everyone who couldn’t get an Opus as quickly as they wanted but the good news is that most models are now available and the whole range should be on the shelves early in the new year.