With its clean lines and large viewing window, the Solution 5 Inset provides a captivating focal point while efficiently heating your room. Crafted with precision and built to last, this wood-burning stove not only enhances the ambiance but also delivers impressive warmth.
Hamlet Solution 5 EcoDesign Inset (S4)

- Height580mm
- Width517mm
- Depth469mm
- Weight83kg
- Flue Diameter125mm
- FuelMultifuel
- Nominal Heat Output5kW
- Efficiency79.9%
- Ecodesign CompliantYes
- AirwashYes
- Flue OutletTop

You can contact us by phone:
- Mainline: 0800 246 1250
- Christine: 01308 458938
- Stovespares Jane: 01580 201 385
- Flue technical enquiries only - Andy: 01803 712 361
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You can use our Flue Design Service to have your chimney system designed by our experts, it's all included when you choose to work with us.