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SystemZone SystemZone
A SystemZone heating manifold allows you to link multiple heat sources to a domestic hot water and space heating system. One good thing about a SystemZone is that you can use it on pressurised systems as well as open vented systems. The other clever thing is that a SystemZone is not just a metal box with tappings ; inside there are a series of baffles which direct the hot water flowing into the SystemZone toward the hot water and/or heating flow and the cool returning water back to the returns on the boiler(s). In this way the best use is made of the heat entering the SystemZone which means fast reaction times on first lighting your boiler stove. Of course you can link in a conventional boiler as well and control when the conventional boiler, pump to start charging the domestic hot water, and heating system pump comes on to make best and most efficient use of each heat source in your system.

You can use the SystemZone like a load unit to ensure that your boiler stove reaches operating temperature quickly and stays there by clever use of thermostats.

The SystemZones are each designed for increasing amounts of heat sources as outlined below and come uninsulated so your installer will need to insulate and wrap them well after installation is complete.
Model WeightPrice
SystemZone 44kg£355.00 inc. VAT
SystemZone 55kg£475.00 inc. VAT