Contemporary stoves offer modern shapes, clean uncluttered lines and often huge windows. We hold a lot of contemporary stoves and everything else needed in stock, ready for delivery. Here is a selection of stoves which we think you will find useful and you can narrow down the selection using the various categories below.
Contemporary stoves come in many shapes, sizes and types. The Scandinavian style of stove is popular where the stove is tall and cylindrical, usually with a large curved glass window. The challenge in making a stove like this is to make sure that the door stays firmly closed and straight as the stove heats up because of course some parts of the door are hotter than others and metal expands when it heats up.
Then there are inset contemporary stoves which are built into the wall and often have doors that slide up and down to open, various modern takes on the traditional UK box stove and then more individual stoves with unique contemporary designs.
Please remember that we are here to help, to chat through what type of contemporary stove you'd like so we can make some suggestions. We're one of those companies that likes it when people like you give us a call.
The Neo 1C EcoDesign has a large curved glass window in the front of the stove with a handy cupboard beneath the firebox.
AGA Ellesmere EC5W Stove
This is the Saltfire Peanut 5 - a 5kW stove which you can run on firewood in a smoke control area .
Saltfire Peanut 5 with the taller stand which can be used as a log store.
A unique oval stove, the Invicta Mandor throws out up to 15kW of heat. Like the other Invicta stoves the Mandor is an efficient cast iron woodburning stove.
Similar to the Neo 1C EcoDesign but with even more window to see the fire through
An extra wide 5kW design from Ekol Stoves. Based on the Clarity 12 stove but with a reduced depth, you can install this stove free standing against a wall or in shallower fireplaces.
This Klover Vesta comes with a very large oven, along with primary and secondary hot plates for greater control when cooking.
Saltfire Peanut 8 Tall version of the 8kW model.
The Invicta Tipi is a conically shaped tall legged 10kW stove made from the heavy cast iron so typical of Invicta. The design and shape sets this apart from other stoves, it's very unique and you will probably either love it or hate it's quirkiness.
The Ekol Clarity 5 high stove is raised up by 200 mm with a plinth .
Saltfire Peanut 8 is the larger 8kW output version.
ACR Tenbury T550 is a 5kW inset stove with a larger firebox.
Parkray Aspect 14 stove.
The Go Eco Plus 5kW Wide Stove with a wider door.
Hunter Herald Allure 04
Parkray Aspect 4 stoves are compact and yet maintain a nominal output of 4.9 kW with the large fire glass which is at the heart of the Aspect range.
A beautiful double sided stove which can be sited in the centre of a large room to create a division, so creating two linked spaces with a view of the fire from either side.
The smallest of the three Lakes stoves, the Skiddaw will fit beautifully in a fireplace.
Hunter Herald Allure 07
Its French creativity certainly oozes from all aspects of this stove, and is truly something different. This is the smaller version of the Invicta Ove but just as impressive with an average output of 5kW when a focal talking point is your primary objective.
The highly contemporary ACR Neo pedestal model.
The Grisedale is the largest of the three Lakes stoves and has a wonderfully big window to enjoy the fire through.