Turn the dream of sitting around the cosy warmth of a wood burning stove into reality. There are lots of of stoves of all types and sizes for you to browse here on our website, and there are lots in stock, most with free delivery.
A stove may well help you to reduce your heating bills, depending on where you get your wood from. You may also find that because the room with your wood burning stove becomes super-cosy that you can let the rest of the house be a little cooler, which can also help to reduce your heating bills. Wood is sustainable and a low carbon fuel, so you also get to reduce your CO2 emissions with a log burner.
Our help and advice pages tell you about the different types of stoves, how they work, and some of the terminology. We're also here to help. From advice on choosing the right woodburner, to designing your installation so that it works well and keeps you and your family safe. We're also here for advice on how to get the best from your stove once we've delivered it - do just get in touch.
Saltfire Bignut 5 Tall version of the larger Bignut Stove
Parkray Aspect 5 compact stove has all the features as the 5 but in a smaller package.
The Neo 1C EcoDesign has a large curved glass window in the front of the stove with a handy cupboard beneath the firebox.
The ACR Larchdale is largest stove in their cast iron range.
This is the Saltfire Peanut 5 - a 5kW stove which you can run on firewood in a smoke control area .
A great looking little stove with a 4 kW output, perfect for a smaller room.
Saltfire Peanut 5 with the taller stand which can be used as a log store.
Similar to the Neo 1C EcoDesign but with even more window to see the fire through
An extra wide 5kW design from Ekol Stoves. Based on the Clarity 12 stove but with a reduced depth, you can install this stove free standing against a wall or in shallower fireplaces.
This Klover Vesta comes with a very large oven, along with primary and secondary hot plates for greater control when cooking.
A unique oval stove, the Invicta Mandor throws out up to 15kW of heat. Like the other Invicta stoves the Mandor is an efficient cast iron woodburning stove.
The Invicta Tipi is a conically shaped tall legged 10kW stove made from the heavy cast iron so typical of Invicta. The design and shape sets this apart from other stoves, it's very unique and you will probably either love it or hate it's quirkiness.
Saltfire Peanut 8 Tall version of the 8kW model.
Saltfire Peanut 8 is the larger 8kW output version.
Esse's Warmheart model allows you to boil a kettle and cook a meal on your stove.
Parkray Aspect 14 stove.
Hunter Herald Allure 04
Parkray Aspect 4 stoves are compact and yet maintain a nominal output of 4.9 kW with the large fire glass which is at the heart of the Aspect range.